thousands of children are injured every year as a result of playing with unsafe or non age appropriate toys. The United States Comsumer Product Safety Commision has created a robust toy safety system, by requiring testing by independent, third party testing laboratories around the world; enforcing stringent lead and phthalates limits for toys; imposing some of the most stringent toy standards in the world; and stopping violative and dangerous toys at the ports and in the marketplace before they reach children’s hands. While the work that is undertaken by the CPSC goes a long way in protecting our young people (and adults) there are still many toy related injuries that take place- in 2010 251,7000 toy related accidents were reported in hospital emergency rooms across the US. Where to Buy SAFE TOYS for GIFTS MONTH Inspect toys before purchasing Look for sharp points, edges, and parts that can fly off. Also, check for durability should a child attempt to break, crush or pul...
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